Week 1 - Mark 1 Introduction of the Gospel According to Mark
Week 2 - Mark 1:1 The Proclamation of Jesus Christ, Son of God (Mark 1:1)
Week 3: The Old Testament Prophets and the Gospels (Mark 1:2-3)
Week 4: The Old Testament Prophets and the Gospels (PART 2)
Week 5: Aspects of John’s Ministry (Mark 1:4-8)
Week 6: The Inauguration of Jesus' Ministry (Mark 1:14-20)
Week 7: A Father's Love for His Son (Mark 1:9-11)
Week 8: The testing of Jesus, the Son of God (Mark 1:12-13)
Week 9: Jesus, the Son of God, Teaches with Authority (Mark 1:21-22)
Week 10: The Buzz About Jesus (Mark 1:21-28)
Week 11: The Discerning Listener (Mark 1:22)
Week 12: Jesus Lifts Us Up (Mark 1:29-31)
Week 13: The Contours of Jesus’ Ministry (Mark 1:32-39)
Week 14: The Healing Of The Paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)
Week 15: Learning Mercy (Matt. 9:9-13; Mark 2:13-17; Luke 5:27-32)
Week 16: Healing Hard Hearts (Mark 3:1-6)
Week 17: Satan Casting Out Satan (Mark 3:22-30; Matt.12:22-32; Luke 11:14-23)
Week 18: The Parable Of The Sower (Mark 4:1-20)
Week 19: The Enemies Of The Word (Mark 4:3-4)
Week 20: Falling Away From The Word (Mark 4:5-6)
Week 21: A Divided Heart (Mark 4:7)
Week 22: The Good Soil (Mark 4:8-9)
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